
Juander Features
Juander Features
This School Management System is built to cater to the unique needs of educational institutions, providing a user-friendly interface that simplifies complex processes.
Manage and update financial records of the school, including fee collection, salary payments, and budgeting.
Manage and maintain the school's database, including student records, staff details, and course information.
Create and manage course materials, lesson plans, and assignments.
Access their personal profile, class schedules, and exam timetables.
View their child's attendance records, grades, and progress reports.
Manage the library inventory, including books, magazines, and other educational resources.
Manage front desk activities, including visitor registration, appointments, and inquiries.
Access a transportation module to view assigned routes, pick-up and drop-off locations, and student information.
Manage and update academic information, including course schedules, syllabi, and grading criteria.
Optional Subject
Assign Class Teacher
Assign Subject
Class Room
Class Time Setup
Class Routine
Track and manage financial transactions, including fee collection, salary payments, and budgeting.
Account Dashboard
Account List
Payment Method
Bank Account
Payment History
Admin Section
Access administrative tools to manage system settings, user accounts, and system configurations.
Admission Query
Visitor Book
Phone Call Log
Postal Receive
Postal Dispatch
Generate ID Card
Admin Setup
Student Certificate
Generate Certificate
Student ID Card
Bulk Print
Allow administrators or teachers to generate and print various documents in bulk, such as report cards, certificates, or timetables.
Fees Invoice Bulk Print
Payroll Bulk Print
Student Certificate
ID Card
Enable real-time communication between teachers, students, parents, and staff members.
Chat Box
Blocked User
Can Teacher Chat With Parents
Admin Can Chat Without Invitation
Can Student Chat With Admin, Accounts
Open Chat System
Invitation Requirement
Can Upload File, Size Limit
Can Make Group
Teacher Can Pin Top Message
Can Staff or Teacher Ban Student
Provide a platform for administrators and teachers to send announcements and notifications to students, parents, and staff.
Notice Board
Send Massage
Send Email/Sms
Event notice
Event Logs
Holiday notice
Custom Field
Allow administrators to add custom fields to student profiles, staff records, or other relevant sections.
Staff Registration
Student Registration
Manage dormitory facilities, including room allocation, occupancy, and maintenance.
Dormitory Rooms
Room Type
Rooms monitoring
Student Dormitory Report
Create and manage examination schedules, including dates, venues, and subjects.
Marks Grade
Exam Time
Exam Type
Exam Setup
Exam Schedule
Exam Attendance
Mark Register
Send Mark by SMS
Exam Setup role: Final Mark from multiple Exam
Format Setting
Exam Plan
Allow teachers or administrators to create and manage exam plans, including admit card, and seat plan.
Admit Card
Seat Plan
Manage fee structures, payment categories, and due dates for students.
Fees Group
Fees Type
Fees Master
Fees Discount
Collect Fees
Search Fees Payment
Search Fees Dues
Bank Payment
Fees Carry Forward
Collection Report
Monthly Collection Report
Enable teachers to assign and upload homework assignments for students.
Add Home Work
Home Work List
Home Work Evaluation Report
Human Resource
Manage employee information, including staff profiles, attendance, and leave records.
Staff Directory
Staff Attendance
Staff Attendance Report
Payroll Report
Track and manage school inventory, including textbooks, equipment, and supplies.
Item Category
Item List
Item Store
Item Receive
Item Receive List
Item Sell
Item Issue
Allow staff members to apply for leave online and track their leave balances.
Approval Leave Request
Pending Leave Request
Leave Define
Leave Type
Lesson Plan
Enable teachers to create and share detailed lesson plans, including objectives, activities, and resources.
Topic Overview
Lesson Plan Overview
Can create multiple sections at a time
Student Panel
Manage library resources, including books, e-books, periodicals, and multimedia materials.
Add Book Book List
Add Member
Member listing & manage
Book category/list
Issue/Return Book
All Issued Book
Card issuing
Online Exam
Provide instant grading and feedback to students.
Marks Grade
Question Bank
Multiple Choice
True False
Fill in the Blank
Generate various reports, including academic performance reports, attendance reports, and financial reports.
Student Report
Guardian Report
Student History
Student Login Report
Fees Statement
Balance Fees Report
Class Report
Class Routine
Exam Routine
Teacher Class Routine
Merit List Report
Online Exam Report
Mark Sheet Report
Tabulation Sheet Report
Progress Card Report
User Log
Previous Result
Previous Record
Role and Permission
Manage user roles and permissions within the system.
Login Permission
Student Info
Maintain comprehensive student profiles, including personal details, academic records, and medical information.
Student Category
Add Student
Student List
Student Attendance
Student Attendance Report
Subject Wise Attendance
Subject Wise Attendance Report
Student Group
Student Promote
Disable Student
Study Material
Enable teachers to upload and share study materials, notes, and resources with students.
Upload Content
Other Download
PDF View
Image Preview
Video Preview
Upload support: jpg, png, jpeg, pdf, doc, docx, mp4, mp3
Customize the user interface and visual elements of the School Management System.
Background setting
Color theme
Manage transportation services, including vehicle tracking, route planning, and fee collection.
Add Vehicle
Transport Route
Transport Member
Transport Fee Collection
Transport Report
Virtual Class
Integrate with Google Meet or other video conferencing platforms for virtual meetings and classes.
Virtual Class
Virtual Meeting
Class Reports
Meeting Reports
Zoom integration
Google Meet integration
Wallet Deposit
Allow parents or students to deposit funds into their digital wallets within the system.
Pending Deposit
Approve Deposit
Reject Deposit
Wallet Transaction
Refund Request
Wallet Report